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Business Studies

Business Studies

Subject Leader: Ms Kelly Tiernan

The Business Studies curriculum at Reading Girls School is designed to engage students about the world of business both in and outside of the classroom.   

We want to equip students with the appropriate knowledge and skills needed to develop their employability and identify business problems and opportunities that will help prepare them for 6th form college, university and beyond.  

The aims of our GCSE course are to:   

  • Develop our students into being enterprising individuals with the ability to think creatively and professionally. 
  • Develop students to become independent and reflective thinkers.  
  • Create students that are aware of and understand current business and economic issues and the impacts of these.  
  • Enable students to draw on real businesses to make informed business decisions and solve business problems.  

Students will: 

  • Learn business concepts, terminology, and objectives. 
  • Apply their knowledge to real-world examples. 
  • Build skills in problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking. 
  • Develop an understanding of how businesses operate in different contexts, from small enterprises to global companies. 
  • Become financially and commercially aware to make informed life and career choices. 
  • Read about business in and outside the classroom. 
  • Discuss, debate and deliver lively discourse about topical business issues and ideas. 

Years 9, 10 and 11 
Exam Board and Syllabus code 
OCR - GCSE 9-1 (J204) 

Structure of the Course: 
The course is split into two main components: 

  • Business 1: Business Activity, Marketing, and People 
  • Topics include how businesses are set up, marketing strategies, and managing people. 
  • Business 2: Operations, Finance, and Influences on Business 
  • Topics include production processes, financial management, and the impact of external factors on businesses. 

Each component is taught through real-world business examples and explores the connections between different aspects of business. 

Curriculum Breakdown 

  • Business Activity: The role of entrepreneurs, types of business ownership, business planning, and growth. 
  • Marketing: Market research, market segmentation, and the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion). 
  • People: Human resource management, motivation, recruitment, and communication in businesses.
  • Operations: Production processes, quality management, and working with suppliers. 
  • Finance: Revenue, costs, profit, cash flow, and sources of finance. 
  • Influences on Business: Ethical considerations, the economic climate, and globalisation. 

Assessment Summary
The course is 100% externally assessed through two written exams: 

  • Business 1 (50% of the GCSE): 
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes 
  • Includes multiple-choice, short-answer, and longer, more detailed questions. 


  • Business 2 (50% of the GCSE): 
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes 
  • Includes multiple-choice, short-answer, and extended-response questions. 

Both exams test students on their knowledge, ability to apply concepts to different scenarios, and skills in analysis and evaluation. 


Students will receive at least one piece of homework every week from Year 9 – 11. This is usually a combination of self-marking quizzes through TEAMS, exam style question practice, case studies and wider reading through business related articles. 

How parents and carers can support: 

  • Encourage your child to ask teachers for help if there are any difficulties 
  • Check that homework is being done and uploaded to TEAMS in a timely fashion 
  • Help your child understand keywords and terminology through the use of their glossary 
  • Help your child research topics when needed using suitable sources online 
  • Help prepare revision resources and tests to check understanding 
  • Encourage your child to read/watch the news to be aware of the wider world in business 

Additional Support Available/Useful Links 

Why Choose Business Studies? 

This course is ideal for students interested in understanding how businesses operate and influencing the world around them. It provides valuable insights into topics like finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. After completing the course, students can: 

  • Progress to A-levels in Business or related subjects. 
  • Pursue vocational qualifications such as Cambridge Technicals. 
  • Apply their knowledge to real-life situations, from running their own business to understanding economic events. 

The skills gained are also helpful for careers in areas like finance, marketing, retail, and management.